President’s Safety Award
A new award was presented this year at JKB! The President's Safety Award was awarded to two teammates this year who embody safety consciousness at all times. Their acts are demonstrated through their desire to mentor others and lead by the example of excellence in safety.
This year the President's Safety Award was presented to Bob Waltz and Rob Sesler! 🎉
Bob starts all meetings on site with a safety topic regardless of the overall meeting agenda. He ensures all vendors are conscious of safety protocols prior to mobilizing and requires all necessary certificates prior to work commencing. Bob's level of awareness and enforcement to safety is second to none!
Rob maintains a strict code of compliance to safety regardless of the individual. He recently declined a client access to a job site due to lack of proper clothing and PPE. The client respected and appreciated this level of safety awareness and gladly complied with JKB safety protocol. Rob displays the vigilance one must have when it comes to safety awareness.
Congratulations gentlemen! We are honored to have you both on our team. 😃👏